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Re: NetScape's dependence upon RSA down for the count!

Yes, but the certificate that contains the public key of the server 
is digital signed by the certificate authority (CA).

To create such a certificate requires the secret key of the CA.

The public key of the CA is contained in the client software, which 
uses it to verify the validity of the server certificate.

- Don 

> From jbass@dmsd.com Sat Sep 30 17:15:36 1995
> Date: Sat, 30 Sep 95 16:50:05 -0600
> From: jbass@dmsd.com (John L. Bass)
> To: www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu, cypherpunks@toad.com
> Subject: Re: NetScape's dependence upon RSA down for the count!
> Ok ... one more time ... the filter has to replace the client/server
> keys in the packet stream with it's own ...
> John